Standard - a level of quality or attainment. Every man has a standard. For some men, the standard they have established is one of excellence. However, the standard set forth by most men leaves much …
The Power of Preemptiveness
Preemptive - serving or intended to preempt or forestall something, especially to prevent attack by disabling the enemy. As men, we all too often find ourselves not communicating our plans and not …
Taking Pride In Your Appearance
Appearance - the way that someone or something looks We’ve all heard the saying, “A real man doesn’t care how he looks.” We all also know that saying is nonsense. How a man dresses and carries …
Finding Joy In The Journey
Journey - an act of traveling from one place to another Something that can be challenging for a man is to find joy in the mundane or in the routine. Life has a few peaks and many valleys, so a lot …
Win, Or At Least Don’t Lose
Win - be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict) We all want to win. Not only that, but we want to win big. The reality is that we very rarely win big, and there are days when we must …
The Masks We Wear As Men
Mask - a covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to amuse or terrify other people As men, we all too often put on masks, whether it is as simple as telling everyone that we’re …